noa persan self-taught artist born in San Sebastian [Gipuzcoa], went to live in nature [the ancares · lugo] which lies a few years of discovering the colors and shapes of the land and animals now live in combining their studies lugo his passion for painting. 2000 · Adm. Bldg exhibitions of the Xunta de Galicia [Lugo] 2003 · Pub Goleta [Lugo] 2003 · Restaurant Fatima [Lugo] 2004 ? Musee d'Art Oriental [Biarritz ? France] where he obtained first prize in the V Competition Basque Painters 2004 ? Goleta Pub [Lugo] 2004 ? Gallery Sargadelos [Lugo] 2004 ? La Moncloa de San Lázaro [Cacabelos · León] 2004 ? Group Exhibition "Ally" in the Admiral Room [Lugo] 2004 ? Mesón do Forno [ Lugo] 2005 · Museum d'Art Oriental [Biarritz ? France] where he is awarded an honorable mention 2005 · Adm. Bldg Xunta de Galicia [Lugo] 2005 · Ethnographic Museum "A Fonsagrada" [Lugo] 2005 · Living Museum "Hórreo filandón" [Cebreiro · Lugo] 2005 · Group Exhibition at the facilities of CIT [San Cibrao · Lugo] 2006. Group exhibition contest at Lucus Augusti Novoneyra Uxío Board. [Lugo] 2006 · Living Admiral "Oniria [Hotel Méndez Núñez · Lugo] 2006-2007. Exhibition at the Sala Genio. [Madrid]. 2007. Background work in Rua Nova Gallery. [Lugo] 2007. Work permanently in the Gallery Amararte. [Lugo] 2007. Work selected in the competition of the Association of Official Ferrol [A Coruña] 2007. Exhibition "ArtXove" in Pontedeume [A Coruña] 2007. Second prize in the contest Lucus Augusti [Lugo] 2007. Solo exhibition at the cultural club Babel [Lugo] 2007. Solo exhibition "Lugoniria" in the Gallery Amararte [Lugo] 2008. Group exhibition at the Museum of Oriental Art Biarritz [France] 2008. Prize "Villa de Biarritz [France] 2008. Exhibition "Abertal" in the Museo Provincial de Lugo [Lugo] 2008. Work selected in the Contest Official College of Ferrol [A Coruña] 2008. Work selected in the "Award Fivars08 [Alicante] 2008. Solo exhibition "dreamlike East." Manuel Marquez Gallery [Orense] 2008. Solo exhibition "East." Sala Admiral [Lugo]